Here you will find detailed information about the working hours and the addresses of the VisaMetric offices.


In order to submit your application at our Visametric office, you have to make an appointment at our Visametric web page. The extra services which we offer at our office are the VIP service, biometric photo, application form filling service, passport delivery by cargo, notification service (sms, e-mail, phone call), photocopy and print operations. For more information regarding the prices of these extra services, you can visit the page ''Additional Services''.

Telephone Germany: 00 98 21 92000125; Italy: 00 98 21 92000105

E-mail [email protected]

Address Shiraz Building 1st Floor, No 137, Cross 21st Street, Khaled Islamboli, Tehran, Postcode: 1513933134

Submission of documents 08:00 - 17:00

Collection 08:00 - 16:30